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Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Random post
Today it was really quiet in the classroom because most of the others were at inter-zones athletics. I kind of like the quiet but with the athletics people gone, we are really lacking in boys. But still with the boys still here, we are still getting outnumbered.
For all lord of the rings fans, you should all know that the hobbit will be released in 1 week. For all people who havent heard of lord of the rings, the hobbit the first movie of the trilogy. the video below is the tralier.........
Monday, 19 November 2012
Is herobrine real???? Herobrine is a ramdom character on minecraft. He will pop up anywhere, it clearly states that on minecraft beta1.7- removed herobrine

i dont know why people is so scared of him
Now at home, i have started to build a minecraft olympic stadium, every a week or so i will upload photos of my progress.
dia duit
Dé Céadaoin seo caite, dúirt mé mo chaint agus bhí eagla i. Mo thuismitheoirí ag iarraidh mé a fháil in.I shíl ní ba mhaith liom a fháil trí, ach rinne mé. go maith go raibh ar mo sprioc agus tá sé críochnaithe anois. Beidh mé ag smaoineamh ar sprioc eile.
speeches are over (Not really)
Last wednesday, i said my speech and i was scared. My parents wantedmeto get in so badly.I thought i wouldn't get through but i did. well that's was my goal and now is completed. I will have to think of another goal.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Wii is a fun game console that everybody enjoys, it includes moving around. But what if you got too into it....
Jusqu'à maintenant, j'ai atteint tous mes terme 4 buts. L'un des objectifs que je voudrais régler l'heure d'entrer dans la compétition discours final.
I have so far acheived all my term 4 goals. One goal i would like to set is getting into the speech competition final.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Maths time with Matthew lesson 1 (surface area of a sphere)
In this talk tine for all the math geeks, i will tell you guys the rule fore working out the surface area of a sphere. The formula ia very simple 4pr2.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by Matthew, you get it
The areas I am good at maths are
Working form ( add sub mul div)
The area i am not so strong in is graphs and mental strategies.
Can anyone help me (but not that i will need to use mental strategies very often)
Working form ( add sub mul div)
The area i am not so strong in is graphs and mental strategies.
Can anyone help me (but not that i will need to use mental strategies very often)
Friday, 2 November 2012
지금이 글을 읽고있는 모든 사람들에게 안녕하세요. 이제 우리는 고대 로마에 대해 학습합니다. 이에 대해 아무것도 알고 있는지 지금은 건축을 공부하고, 그것이 이루어집니다 방법을, 어떻게, 왜 그렇게 오래 지속 된 댓글하시기 바랍니다.
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