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Friday, 21 December 2012
Now its 64th post ^_^
Sorry, this is my 64th post, im so sorry about this, it was beacuse i had 4 drafts, im really sorry:(
Yay, minecraft 1.4.6 is out, really loved the new fireworks and enchanted books, good job mojang
Passion project (it backfired)
Just saying, my passion project on that olympic stadium kinda backfired, so do not expect any photos{sniff sniff}
If you haven't written your letters to santa, you better beacuse theres only 3 more days till he comes down your chimey, thats if you have one, so i wouldn't expect him around my house
64 ^_^
Finally it my 64th post, I'm very happy this because, most of you know I'm a huge minecraft fan, Anyway, in minecraft the most you can stack a item is 64 so yayyyyyyyy!!!!!
The hobbit
The hobbit is out now and i highly suggest you us to watch it, i think its better that the trilogy, but the thing that sucks is that this movie is split into 3 parts, so we get to see....... I will not spoil the movie, so you better go watch it now!!!!!
Merry Christmas my friends and a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!
So apparently the world didn't end, i guess it was a whole lot of Mayan crap. So now I'm going to say safely to everyone Merry Christmas my friends and a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Christmas in 4 days\ 5days
Its Christmas in 4 days beacause I am in middle earth, but for the rest of the world it will be in 5 days
Sorry guys
Sorry guys
the end of earth as we know it
Today is the 21st of December. Will the world end, I don't know, will the world not end, all will be revealed in these hours
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
For all the minecrafters out there, my user is called Chewygumnz, so if u ever see me playing capture the flag or survival games, please dont kill me, we can always be a team
Monday, 17 December 2012
No more school!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow, its the last day of school, really excited, but i will miss my asian year 8 buddy{Sniff Sniff}
Weird minecraft stuff????
Yesterday i started mucking around on minecraft, I got this idea from Paulsoarejr yougest son, Cheifchirpa, it was spawing chickens in a one spaced block then they all fall down in like a top formation. Its really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
Theres only one more week till Christmas, So all kids be good because thats the only way Santa will give you presents, But the thing is at our age, nobody belives in Santa anymore so that's busted, but anyway Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Random post
Today it was really quiet in the classroom because most of the others were at inter-zones athletics. I kind of like the quiet but with the athletics people gone, we are really lacking in boys. But still with the boys still here, we are still getting outnumbered.
For all lord of the rings fans, you should all know that the hobbit will be released in 1 week. For all people who havent heard of lord of the rings, the hobbit the first movie of the trilogy. the video below is the tralier.........
Monday, 19 November 2012
Is herobrine real???? Herobrine is a ramdom character on minecraft. He will pop up anywhere, it clearly states that on minecraft beta1.7- removed herobrine

i dont know why people is so scared of him
Now at home, i have started to build a minecraft olympic stadium, every a week or so i will upload photos of my progress.
dia duit
Dé Céadaoin seo caite, dúirt mé mo chaint agus bhí eagla i. Mo thuismitheoirí ag iarraidh mé a fháil in.I shíl ní ba mhaith liom a fháil trí, ach rinne mé. go maith go raibh ar mo sprioc agus tá sé críochnaithe anois. Beidh mé ag smaoineamh ar sprioc eile.
speeches are over (Not really)
Last wednesday, i said my speech and i was scared. My parents wantedmeto get in so badly.I thought i wouldn't get through but i did. well that's was my goal and now is completed. I will have to think of another goal.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Wii is a fun game console that everybody enjoys, it includes moving around. But what if you got too into it....
Jusqu'à maintenant, j'ai atteint tous mes terme 4 buts. L'un des objectifs que je voudrais régler l'heure d'entrer dans la compétition discours final.
I have so far acheived all my term 4 goals. One goal i would like to set is getting into the speech competition final.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Maths time with Matthew lesson 1 (surface area of a sphere)
In this talk tine for all the math geeks, i will tell you guys the rule fore working out the surface area of a sphere. The formula ia very simple 4pr2.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by Matthew, you get it
The areas I am good at maths are
Working form ( add sub mul div)
The area i am not so strong in is graphs and mental strategies.
Can anyone help me (but not that i will need to use mental strategies very often)
Working form ( add sub mul div)
The area i am not so strong in is graphs and mental strategies.
Can anyone help me (but not that i will need to use mental strategies very often)
Friday, 2 November 2012
지금이 글을 읽고있는 모든 사람들에게 안녕하세요. 이제 우리는 고대 로마에 대해 학습합니다. 이에 대해 아무것도 알고 있는지 지금은 건축을 공부하고, 그것이 이루어집니다 방법을, 어떻게, 왜 그렇게 오래 지속 된 댓글하시기 바랍니다.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Hola a todos los que están leyendo este post en estos momentos. Ahora estamos aprendiendo acerca de la antigua Roma. Ahora estoy estudiando arquitectura, cómo se hace, ya que ha durado tanto tiempo, si usted sabe algo al respecto, por favor comente
Ciao a tutte le persone che stanno leggendo questo post in questo momento. Ora stiamo imparando Roma antica. Ora sto studiando l'architettura, come è fatto, come è durato così a lungo, se si sa nulla a riguardo, si prega di commento.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Learning !!!!!!!!!!
This week, i have learned how to measure the circumference and area of a circle, what made it stick in my mind is by doing a sheet that took a long time and it was all about circles. Also on minecraft i have learned how to made a giant athletics track from white and orange wool. I still have to look at a picture to make it to perfection. This is what I'm aiming for.......
Monday, 22 October 2012
In my holidays a lot of things happened. On the Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the first the week I went to a basketball program. Every time we got there we would do basketball drills for like 5 hours, then when when we are all tired, we would have to play like 30 mins games. When it was over I was dead. I would go home and sleep for like 3 hours. Even after sleeping 3 hours I WAS STILL TIRED. Every morning i would wake up like a zombie begging for more sleep.
On the second week, I went up to Auckland to get my grandparents comming on a plane from hong kong. I was thrilled to see them. We caame back to wellington and my mum and sister was so excited. All of the second week, I helped my grandparents unpack all the boxes. Iwas about pleased about all the things I did in the holidays.
What things in the holidays are exciting????
On the second week, I went up to Auckland to get my grandparents comming on a plane from hong kong. I was thrilled to see them. We caame back to wellington and my mum and sister was so excited. All of the second week, I helped my grandparents unpack all the boxes. Iwas about pleased about all the things I did in the holidays.
What things in the holidays are exciting????
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
Hunger games
The nation of Panem, formed from North America, consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve poorer surrounding districts. As a punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol by the districts, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by an annual reaping to participate in the Hunger Games. The tributes of the Hunger Games must fight to the death in an arena controlled by the Capitol until only one remains alive; the victor is rewarded with fame and wealth. Primrose Everdeen is a 12 year old girl from District 12, and in her first Reaping, is selected by the reaping. Her 16-year-old sister Katniss everdeen volunteers to take the place of her younger sister in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. Peeta Mallark, a baker's son who once gave Katniss bread when her family was starving, was also selected.
The director of the fantastic film was Gary Ross, and was based the the best selling book series by Suzanne Collins. The film was released on March 21, 2012, in France and other countries and internationally on March 23, 2012.( Now it is available on DVD )It is the first film since Avatar to remain in first place at the North American box office for four continuous weekends.
The director of the fantastic film was Gary Ross, and was based the the best selling book series by Suzanne Collins. The film was released on March 21, 2012, in France and other countries and internationally on March 23, 2012.( Now it is available on DVD )It is the first film since Avatar to remain in first place at the North American box office for four continuous weekends.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Snapshot 12w36a
Newsest developer's snapshot out on Thursday 12w36a with new awsome stuff of 1.4
Video credit goes to paulsoarejr
Punchwood islad surival!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a video of paulsoarejr and his family plating minecraft together
video credit goes to paulsoarejr
Snapshot 12w34a
This was a developer's snapshot released about 2 weeks ago
Video credit to paulsoarejr
Surive and thrive 58!!!!!!!! (sand temple)
This is the newest survive and thrive video posted by paulsoarejr hop you enjoy it.
Video credit to paulsarejr
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Production has ended:(
Last week on Wendnesday anf thursday it was the school production, it was called not an other fairytale. I was in the first dance and was incharge of doing the sound. The production was a huge suces and all the actors did great. I upload a group photo later.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Something interesting
This week something that was interesting was on monday, a dangereous guy was hanging around our area in j'ville.Police were evereywhere serching and told everbody not to leave their houses
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Production prep
For the production, i will need to:
finish organizing my knight costume
practice my dance moves
And get good at doing the sound for the school production practices
finish organizing my knight costume
practice my dance moves
And get good at doing the sound for the school production practices
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Favourite event
My favourite olympic sport to watch is swimming. Swimming consists of lots of events like 100m freestyle and 800m and lots more.There are 8 lanes whyich swimmers swim in. They start off with the heats wich qualifies people into the semifinal. In the the semifinal the qualify people into the final. Each athlete dives into the pool off a platform.The first person to push the plate that lights up a red light at the end wins.
My favourite event in swimming is the 400m medley. It includes all 4 strokes, freestyle, backstroke, breathstroke and butterfly.They first start with butterfly then backstroke then breathstroke then freestyle.Athletes do 2 lengths for each stroke.The winner this year with the time of 4:05.18 was Ryan locthe.
I only watch swimming during the olympics. I don't usually watch a lot of sport.
My favourite event in swimming is the 400m medley. It includes all 4 strokes, freestyle, backstroke, breathstroke and butterfly.They first start with butterfly then backstroke then breathstroke then freestyle.Athletes do 2 lengths for each stroke.The winner this year with the time of 4:05.18 was Ryan locthe.
I only watch swimming during the olympics. I don't usually watch a lot of sport.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
My current obsession is Minecraft!! Why its so great is because you could bulid any thing you want. At the same time you have to suive, fight monsters and eat!!!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Production role
In the prouduction, my role is manging the sound. I will have to time the sound/music/sound effects perfectly so that it woudn't sound ....Weird. I dont think i will be in any practises so i can do my tasks as usual.(yayy)
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Holidays (+ minecraft)
This holiday, like last time, my best friend came over twice. Also im am playing a lot of minecraft.On my survival world i have been creating a wall around my house and my farm. So now i can turn the diffcluty to hard(finally). I am just scared that creepers might blow up the wall. Like last holidays i have a lot of home work to complete!!!!! Also, on a superflat word i have created a note block playing thing, it is powered by redstone and redstone repeaters.
What do you enjoy most in the holidays?
What do you enjoy most in the holidays?
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Transit of venus!!!!!!!
Last wedenesday it was the transit of venus. That meant Venus was visible when looking at the sun with special glasses.This will not happen until 105 years later.We(rm11)tried to see it but clouds were in our way!!!!No we wont see it in our lifetime again(sniff-sniff)
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Cooperation is very important.Without it you wodn't be able to work well.I'm responsible for drawing the constellation on paint.Everybody from our group have together very well.What things are you doing?
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Today at maths time (tuesday) i learned that all the the angles in a triangle add up to 180 dgrees.Also yesterday at tech, i've leared how to create a circuit board.Finally i've learnt how to mange my time at school!!!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
My favourit thing to do is playing basketball and playing Minecraft
What hobbies do you prefer?
What hobbies do you prefer?
Monday, 14 May 2012
Book review!!!
The Hunger Games
By Suzanne Collins (2008)
Winning means fame and fortune, Losing means certain death.
In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panaem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send on boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual hunger games, a fight to the death on live TV.
(Prologue of the hunger games)
When the sister of 16 year old Girl Katniss Evereden was chosen to fight to the death.
She went up and yelled” I volunteer as tribute. “
This means she will have to travel to the capitol and compete In the hunger games, traveling along with her to the capitol was 16 year old peeta mellark who was a son of a baker. They were named the star crossed lovers of District 12 during the tributes interviews and fell in love during the games
During the opening ceremonies, their stylist dressed them up in suits that made them look like they were on fire. Everybody went nuts. She was then named the girl on fire.
During the games, she will face challengers that can put her life on the line and put her survival skills to the test.
The hunger game is a book packed with action and suspense.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Holidays term 1
In the holidays, last tuesday, my friend lachlan came over. We first went on the computer then went onto the ipad and played minecraft.At night we watched new zeland masterchef then it was time to drive lachie home.
Most of the time in the holidays i spent my time watching a lot of tv.
What did you enjoy most in the holidays?
Most of the time in the holidays i spent my time watching a lot of tv.
What did you enjoy most in the holidays?
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