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Sunday, 29 July 2012


My current obsession is Minecraft!! Why its so great is because you could bulid any thing you want. At the same time you have to suive, fight monsters and eat!!!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Production role

In the prouduction, my role is manging the sound. I will have to time the sound/music/sound effects perfectly so that it woudn't sound ....Weird. I dont think i will be in any practises so i can do my tasks as usual.(yayy)

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Holidays (+ minecraft)

This holiday, like last time, my best friend came over twice. Also im am playing a lot of minecraft.On my survival world i have been creating a wall around my house and my farm. So now i can turn the diffcluty to hard(finally). I am just scared that creepers might blow up the wall. Like last holidays i have a lot of home work to complete!!!!! Also, on a superflat word i have created a note block playing thing, it is powered by redstone and redstone repeaters.

What do you enjoy most in the holidays?